2017 NYC Results

The 2017 New York City High School Ethics Bowl was a huge success with 18 teams representing 8 different high schools participating in the event (to see what schools participated click here). We would like to thank Columbia University for hosting us this year and offering such a beautiful space for the event. Thank you also to our generous sponsors: Columbia University’s Department of Philosophy (especially Michele Moody-Adams), The Squire Family Foundation (especially Roberta Israeloff), and New York University (especially to Jessica Moss).


Welcoming remarks in the Library Rotunda at Columbia University. Over 200 people in attendance!


Ethics Bowl Round held in Hamilton Hall


Judges ask Team A questions during Round 3


The Finals Round: Bethpage 1 vs. Bethpage 3


Students from Bethpage discussing a case during the final round!



1st Place: Bethpage 1
2nd Place: Bethpage 3
3rd Place Tie: Environmental Studies
Spirit of the Ethics Bowl: Stuyvesant 1

The bowl standings, including those from past years, will always be located here: https://highschoolethicsbowl.com/nyc/BowlArchives/